Women’s Devotional – Day 1

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If I asked you to tell me who you are, how would you respond? 

Maybe you’d use positive labels full of your accomplishments, titles, career… 

Maybe with negative labels, self-deprecating, rooted in your past mistakes and sins. 

Between the world, the enemy, and our own minds, our identity can become quite a jumbled and complicated mess. 

But there is great news. 

The bible has a lot to say about who you actually are. 

In a world full of “my truth” and “your truth” there is actually only one truth. There is no grey area. There is God’s word and everything else. I find great peace in this. 

Over the next 20 or so days, we invite you to spend some time reading, learning, self-reflecting and growing in the truth of who God says you are. 

We’ve invited ladies in our own Crosspoint family to contribute to this devotional series and I know that you will find it to be such a blessing to read our own ladies’ thoughts and stories. 

Some days may include links to worship songs or additional verses to study.

Some may include reflection questions. We invite you to keep a journal through the process to see how God reveals himself to you more deeply as you lean in to Him. 


Today, I remind you that you are a NEW PERSON. 

Regardless if you have known Christ for decades or days – you are not who you used to be. 

2 Corinthians 5:17

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!


Reflection Questions

  1. The verse emphasizes leaving behind the old and embracing the new. What are some practical steps we can take to let go of past mistakes, regrets, or patterns of behavior that do not align with our identity in Christ?
  2. How does the truth of being a new creation empower you to overcome insecurities and self-doubt?

Here is a video from one of my favorite authors. I first heard Hosanna perform this poem live at a conference several years ago and my knees buckled under the weight of who I was calling myself. I feel to my knees, asked forgiveness and asked the Lord to help rewrite my name in my own mind. I was privileged to hear it again live with out high schoolers at camp last summer and I watched as it cut through their lies, too. 

I pray that it blesses you as it has me. 


Guided Prayer

Heavenly Father, we praise your name. Lord, I am overwhelmed at your goodness, your grace and your mercy. Thank you for making me new. Thank you that even though I don’t deserve your mercy, you pour it out on me daily. Lord, help remind me everyday who I am in you. In your precious, holy name, I pray, Amen.