Take Your Next Step

About Baptism
We believe baptism is an outward, public profession of our personal decision to follow Christ.

To take your Next Step, please click the baptism button to find our next available baptism date and register. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

Here's How

Adult Baptism

If you are over age 12 (6th grade and older) and would like to be baptized, follow the link below to complete our online baptism course.

This course can completed anytime and is typically completed in about 10 minutes.

Once this course is complete, you will recieve a link to register for our next baptism service.


Child Baptism

At Crosspoint Splash Class we explain what the Bible says about baptism and why it’s important to follow Jesus in these steps of faith.

Designed for children 7 – 12 years old, one parent must be present during the class.

This class is required for every child aged 7-12 before baptism.

To take your Next Step, please click the SPLASH CLASS button if our next date has been posted. (Generally every other month.)

Once Splash Class is complete, you will receive a link to register your child for baptism.