Women’s Devotional – Day 10

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When I think of myself as a daughter of the King, I can’t help but feel like a child who is constantly chasing the next lesson meant for her. A child who is learning repeatedly how to listen, how to say sorry, and how to forgive. A child who is continually developing in relationships, in motherhood, in marriage, and in the mundane of life. 

Believe it or not, I find great rest in this. 

When I approach our Heavenly Father with the understanding that I am HIS child, I have a better perspective of humanity. 

Humanity is not perfection. Humanity is flawed. We see this repeatedly in scripture and even in present-day circumstances. 

So, where does this tie into Who God says WE are? 

This truth reassures me that I cannot be a perfect human, there will always be something more to learn. Always. Simon Peter writes about this at the end of his letter to the Gentile Christians when he explains we ought to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

God created us as beings that will get it wrong. That is where the growing part comes in. If when we were born, we knew everything and could achieve everything, at what point would we learn and grow?  The simple answer is, we wouldn’t.

 An author I love said it like this, “Our Lives are not meant to be lived as a constant audition for worthiness.”  Praise God!  Our lives are meant to be lived in a way we worship and love our Creator and be like Him to all of those we encounter, to the best of our ability for such a time as this. 

Who does God say you are? God says you are human. 

So much so that he sent his son to the same earth we are living on today AS a human. Jesus came to this earth 100% God and 100% human, and He came to earth as a baby.

It may be a comical thing to imagine at first when we think about the Savior of the world. But let’s think about this for a moment. 

Jesus had to learn how to roll over, how to crawl, and how to walk. It does not tell us exactly in scripture, but did Jesus have pain when teething? Teething for some can be a nightmare. 

What about when He had a loose tooth? Mary and Joseph must have had an interesting encounter with one another when young Jesus came to them “MOM! DAD! My teeth are falling out!?!?!” 

This is a silly example, but powerful, nonetheless. 

God says you are Human. Hosanna Wong explains this well in her book You Are More Than You’ve Been Told. She says “God thought it was important that we didn’t just learn from a God, but that we saw how a human lived on our same earth, with our same temptations and struggles, and how He grew up, learned who He was, and lived boldly as who He was every single day.” 

He is truly the perfect example; I want to encourage you today to lean into how Jesus lived his life on this earth. Learn about him in God’s word and understand His character. I want to encourage you to read about His encounters with those close to Him and those who encountered him for a short time. 

Here are some great examples to get you started: 

John 4:1-38 

John 9:1-13 

Luke 11:14-28 


Guided Prayer

Let’s take a moment and pray together asking God to help us grow in the grace and knowledge that He has promised. 

Heavenly Father, we come to you as your children. We come with thanksgiving on our lips and gratitude in our hearts for the example of perfect humanity you sent to earth named Jesus. We understand that as your children we have the free will to choose to walk in Your grace and to grow in knowledge as life continues. Please guide our paths and protect our hearts against those who choose not to walk in Your grace and grow in Your knowledge. In your name, Amen. 


 YouVersion Bible App: 

1: Peter 3:18 ESV

2: Hosanna Wong, You Are More Than You’ve Been Told (W Publishing Group, 2023)

3: John 4:1-38

4: John 9:1-13

5: Luke 11:14-28