Women’s Devotional – Day 14

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When God made Adam, He put all of His nature into him. Made in God’s image!!!! Incredible!

Male and female He created them. God’s blessing was on them.  God’s direction to fill the earth, subdue it & have dominion were to them. (Gen 1:27-29)

They needed each other, because God took part of His nature given to Adam to create Eve.  God took a rib to create this helper Adam needed.  The ribs protect vital organs, including the heart. Pretty important stuff!  It is said of the Proverbs 31 woman that “the heart of her husband safely trusts her (vs 11).

As women we too are directed to subdue and have dominion.  That has a unique meaning for each of us.  We, unlike Eve, need to value and trust what God speaks to us.  To hear His still small voice we are invited to sit with Him, giving time to listening. Listening through His word, listening through music, listening through devotions, but most of all being still and knowing He is God, absorbing, reveling in and returning His love.

The distractions and temptations in life are many & strong!  But God has directed us to subdue and have dominion.  We find the strength and ability to do that only in relationship with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.  What richness we have to pursue in them!!!!


2 Corinthians 3:18

“But we all with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image; from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 


Let us seek His presence each day, hearing, believing & walking it out.  We will find ourselves changed by Holy Spirit into the daughters of God who can subdue and take dominion in our sphere of life.


John 1:12

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.” 


Men have been given power to become the Bride of Christ.  Women have been given power to become sons of God.


Guided Prayer

Abba, Father I choose to set aside this time with you. I say to my soul, “be still.” I push aside all distractions, because You deserve the first and best of my day. I long to sit in your presence and hear your still, small voice. There will be a time for bringing my requests/needs before you, but for these few moments I just sit and wait upon you. Lead me in your scriptures, give me direction for my day, pour your love out on me…. Whatever you choose to do in this time, I give it to you. Amen


Consider keeping a small notebook nearby to jot down what you hear the Lord speaking to you. Don’t forget to date it. It will bless you all over again when you go back to it.